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Newcomers' Guide

Welcome to the Bremerton WestSound Symphony! We are glad to have you come experience the beauty of live music with us. Everything we do is in the interest of bringing the best live symphonic listening experience to the West Sound. 

What do I wear?

Come as you are! Many audience members will come in business casual however we do not have or enforce a dress code. Dress to be comfortable while sitting so as to enjoy the music to its fullest.

Can I bring my children? 

Yes. We offer a discounted $5 youth ticket for ages 18 and under. Out of consideration for other audience members, it would be good practice to vacate the auditorium if your fussy young one becomes a distraction for others. If you are worried that your child will become bored during a regular symphony performance but still want to introduce them to the arts, we do offer an annual OrKIDstra performance in March specifically programmed to introduce younger children to symphonic arts and provide an engaging environment. 

When should I arrive at the venue?

Doors typically open an hour before the listed start time. Most audience members will start arriving a half hour prior. If you wish to beat the crowds then it is recommended to arrive earlier than half an hour before. 

What if I arrive late?

Don't worry, we won't turn you away if you arrive after the performance has already started! If you arrive and the performing ensemble is in the middle of a piece, we will request that you wait patiently for the piece to conclude before entering the auditorium so as not to create any disturbance for our performers or your fellow audience members. Our front-of-house staff will be there and more than happy to help you enter at just the right time. 

What do I do when I get there?

If you have purchased tickets ahead of time here on our website, you will want to locate our pre-purchased ticket check-in. Our front-of-house staff will then check you in via the name of the account holder who purchased the tickets. 
If you have not purchased tickets, you will want to locate our box office ticket sales table. Here you will be able to select your seat from those still available and pay. We accept card, cash, and check. From there you can bypass the ticket check-in and go right into the auditorium to find your seats.

Where's my seat?

Most of our shows featured reserved seating. Seating layout varies from venue to venue so finding your seat might be a challenge however our ushers will be available to help you find your seat. Ushers are often located at the auditorium entrances handing out program booklets as you enter. Front-of-house staff will also be available to help assist in the finding of seats in necessary. 

When should I applaud?

It is common to hold all applause until the end of each piece. Many symphonic pieces have several parts referred to as movements and applause is to be held until all movements of a piece are concluded. In the program booklet you'll find a list of performed repertoire for the performance to follow along with and to know how many movements a given piece has. Still unsure when applause is appropriate? Watch the stage and you'll know when a piece has concluded when the conductor turns around to face the audience. 

Can I take photos or videos during the performance?

No. We ask that all audience members refrain from using their phones during performances for the consideration of both our performers and your fellow audience members. Beyond that, many of our pieces being performed are under copyright which restricts us and you from distributing unauthorized video or audio. If your child or student is performing with us and you wish to have photos and video to commemorate, we do have our own photography and videography being recorded during performance and we can, upon request, provide you with a copy on a case by case basis. 

How long are performances?

Performance length depends on performed repertoire and the variance of live performances. On average, our performances are approximately 2 hours however our best estimate will be listed on each performance's 'read more' page located on our Tickets & Events page.

If I need to, when is a good time to get up and leave the auditorium?

The best time would be during intermission. Most performances will feature an intermission part way through to allow for audience usage of facilities and to get up, move around, and stretch. If you need to leave mid-performance, if you can, please wait until after you hear applause between pieces. 

This Season is Sponsored by

Mailing Address

Bremerton WestSound Symphony

P.O. Box 996

Bremerton, WA 98337


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Office Hours

Tuesday - Thurs

& Fridays before concerts

10am - 3pm

645 4th St, Suite 206

Bremerton, WA 98337

© Copyright 2023   |   Bremerton Symphony Association   |   All Rights Reserved

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