Advertise Your Business in Our Concert Print Programs!
Over 150 community musicians will be joined with visiting artists to perform throughout Kitsap County during the Bremerton WestSound Symphony’s 82nd season of concerts. The Orchestra presents six main programs featuring masterworks including Mahler’s First Symphony and Respighi’s Pines of Rome, as well as the beloved annual holiday concert.
Our audience spends 60 minutes or longer (on average) reading our program at every concert. The program is a beautiful keepsake that many patrons and musicians take home to enjoy after every concert, extending the impact of your advertising message.
Being an advertiser in our print program brings your business key recognition to performers and patrons in our community, including:
• Over 1,000 concert attendees at mainstage symphony concerts;
• Thousands of monthly readers of Bremerton Symphony e-mail and social media messages;
• Thousands of residents receiving print, online, and radio advertising for concerts and programs.
September 13, 2024: full season or fall/winter only program
January 31, 2025: spring only program
AD DIMENSIONS (size reference in downloable pdf below):
Eighth Page (horizontal): 3.875”w x 2.43”h
Quarter Page (vertical): 3.875”w x 5.125”h
Half Page (horizontal): 8”w x 5.125”h
Half Page (vertical): 4”w x 10.5”h
Full Page (vertical): 8”w x 10.5”h
Submit a 300dpi or higher ad in the proper size and proportion for the ad selected. Accepted file formats: PDF, JPEG, or TIFF. Print and mail form to address below or fill in the form and send ad and form to info@bremertonsymphony.org
Checks payable to Bremerton WestSound Symphony or pay with credit card by phone. 360-373-1722